
Shit Soundtrack

Color me Seinfeld, but I must get observational and whiny for a minute. Indulge me, won't you?

In general, my workplace is a quiet haven. There is a TV with CNN on around the clock, but I've learned to tune out The Situation Room and all other "infotainment" news aired on said network.

There is one notable exception to the relative quiet of the office: specifically, the women's restroom.

I'm sorry if I'm out of the loop on this one, but is it normal for there to be a piped-in "soft rock" radio station for a bathroom? I could understand if it was the entire office, but just the bathroom? I do not need to listen to Amy Grant while I pee, thankyouverymuch, and I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one that feels this way. Is it meant to cover up the soft plops of women making tiny bunny shits? Because it doesn't? Yeah, it really doesn't.

Whoever's brilliant idea this was, I have a bone to pick with you. I'd challenge you to a "meeting in the ladies' room," but I don't really think we'd be able to hear each other over Seal's touching rendition of "Kissed by a Rose."

(ed: He's really making a comeback with this whole Heidi Klum thing, huh? Just saying!)

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