
Livin' on the street!

...So, you hear a lot of crazy shit on the streets of New York, on the subway, in your building, whatever.

When I first moved here I just assumed that there was an unusually large schizophrenic population wandering the streets, but I've come to realize that people here just don't have any sort of mental muzzle to keep all their thoughts from wandering out of their mouths. Seriously, I have never lived ANYWHERE before where it was so acceptable to routinely talk to yourself in public and say the most offensive, inane shit out loud.

When I say talk to yourself in public, I mean exactly that. Everyone does it! If it's a simple, "Well, fuck you, too!" under their breath, or a pep talk before a meeting, or a conversation with yourself about what you'd like for lunch today -- people just don't hold back! And this isn't even considering all of the actual two-way conversations I overhear daily.

A recent contribution:

Business man on the street: "....and if I wanna get new vocal chords, I'm GONNA get new fucking vocal chords!"
Woman: "But, what --"
Business man, cutting her off: "Eh eh eh eh eh! I'm getting new chords. End of story!"

Very gay man on train: "God! By the time we get to Brooklyn, giraffes will be lactating!"
(Do they not already?)

Verbal diahrrea, that's all I gotta say.

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