
All dogged up and ready to eat fur

Observations of recent note:

- I made an omelette the other day and it smelled like hot fur. Do you know what I'm talking about? Like, when your dog comes inside from being in the sun, and you hug him, and his fur smells...hot?

(You know what I'm talking about, don't even try to pretend you don't.)

Anyway, my omelette smelled like that. I know there's a mouse living under my stove, and after the last mouse killing incident (Long story short - don't ever get those glue strip things and put them under your stove because you will listen to mouse screaming FOR HOURS), I was somehow afraid that mouse-death-fur had tainted my food.

However, it didn't taste like burning fur, it just smelled like it. Happy ending!

- On another fur note, my dogs always come in from being outside in cold weather and smell like a honey ham. It smells delicious.

- I saw a woman with a "Fuck You You Fucking Fuck" shirt on. Needless to say, she's asking for it. However, I did covet the shirt. It would be a good pajama shirt.

- I'm all about nouns as verbs, such as "beached up and ready to party!" (A la Trinie Dalton) Other nouns as verbs that I'm looking to add to my daily dialogues include "computering" and "magicking."

- I'm currently working in an office lit completely by candles and oddly colored track lighting, dead flowers (on purpose!), little wire sculptures wrapped in string, rap videos on in the background and lots of art magazines laying around. I could get used to this. It's like my idea of a perfect freaky funeral. Or maybe just my perfect office? Whatever it is, I love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooo...i'se gonna be magicking you soon!