
"You know what dog food tastes like? Do ya? It tastes just like it smells... delicious."

Guess who I saw?!!

No, no, no, not
Dave Chappelle --
even better!

I saw the real life,
in the flesh
Tyrone Biggums!

I shit you not, this guy was the living embodiment of everyone's favorite crackhead, complete with the red hat, blue hooded sweatshirt, white lips and ev-ray-thang. (Though his hat did have an American flag on it, and his lips may have just been extraordinarily chapped.)

I first noticed him because he shoved past me to get on the train while screaming, "Jam! Jam! Jam!" while frantically licking his lips. This, in itself, is not enough to make someone memorable to me. I see this shit all day, everyday.

What made little Tyrone Part Deuce (TPD from now on) memorable was his dancing, singing and general love for life. This man had a fire inside him, composed primarily of bleach and crack rock, that could not be extinguished by the cold weather, the whithering looks of his fellow train riders or the staring of frightened children. TPD was going to let his light shine!

It started when I saw him gesturing passionately in what I assumed was a conversation. However, it quickly became apparent that it wasn't two-sided, because of TPD's eye rolling and the fact that and no one around him was speaking. Then he started tapping his feet, singing all-gospel-like and throwing himself back and forth between the bars on the ceiling of the train. What'd I tell ya - on fi-ya!

Unfortunately, he got off pretty quickly, probably to go expend some more of that energy before it ran out.

If I'd seen him eat some dog food, it really would've made my day,
but beggers can't be choosers, y'know?

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